Aion Boss: Vanuka Infernus

5 03 2010

(Vidar, FR Server)

Description: This Boss appears when you complete Dark Poeta instance with Grade B.

Once enter, if you move he’ll immediately aggro.

This boss is not difficult, just be sure to heal enough the Templar, don’t let his PV down more than a half of life. An Aede is recommended for support heal.

Sometimes the boss will target randomly a member in your team and will cast a fire missile on him.

To make easier for the cleric to heal someone must announce which target is focus by the boss, like that the cleric can heal the right target at the right time. For that you must enable the game option which shows the target selected by the monster.

Vanuka also cast sleep and statue and near the end he will make pop adds.


Aion Guide: Dark Poeta Rank Chart

28 02 2010

Points and time will determine your rank and the boss you’ll get at the end of Dark Poeta.

Aion Guide: The Quest for Knights

28 02 2010

Voici un petit guide qui vous aidera sans aucun doute à terminer la 2nd quête pour l’Ensemble de plates de Miragent. (Dans mon cas car je suis Templier.)

Cette quête vous demandera d’aller à la rencontre de divers PNJ bien caché voire très bien caché puisque certains d’entre eux apparaissent qu’à une certaine heure de la journée.

Nianalo: Toujours.

Navid: Toujours (Des fois sur d’autres canal).

Pavel: Entre 7 et 9h du matin (Temps du Jeu).

Pendaon: Entre 5 et 6h du matin (Temps du Jeu).

Poevius: Entre 3 et 4h du matin (Temps du Jeu).

Belicanon: Entre 2 et 3h du matin sur le Canal 2 (Temps du Jeu).

Mahelnu: Entre 1 et 2h du matin (Temps du jeu).

Pater: Entre Minuit et 1h du matin sur le Canal 2 (Temps du jeu).

Un fois avoir parlé à tout les PNJ, il vous restera plus qu’à débourser 3M de kinah et à vous les gants gold du Miragent.

Credits: nibbelr

Aion Boss: Silikor of Memory

27 02 2010

(Vidar, FR Server)

Description: To defeat this boss you must kill the 2 guardians first and to do this you must kill them in the right moment.

In the room, you should notice a Malekor drawing a circle a strange circle on the ground. You must kill the guardians in this circle. It’s totally useless to follow the Malekor you risk to aggro the boss. Just tank near the wall like I did, far enough from other members to not take the AoE. When the guardian almost die stop your DPS and wait for the Malekor to come near by before finishing him.

Once the first guardian down, engage the 2nd. Repeat the same tactic and once the 2nd guardian down the shield of the boss will disappear you can now engage him.

The boss is not difficult, remember to kill the adds who pops because they cast regen on the boss.


Aion Boss: King Consierd

24 02 2010

(Delthras, FR Server)

Description: World boss 38 roaming in Salintus Desert (Morheim). This boss can only be defeated in alliance because he’s very strong. He will pop elite mobs that sorcerers (mainly) must kill faster while tanks and plates try to keep the aggro on the boss. Leathers and clerics, stay far enough to don’t take his AoE.

You will certainly take aggro from normal mobs who spawn in this free zone, don’t forget to kill them even if they’re not very dangerous.


Aion Boss: Gojira

24 02 2010

(Vidar, FR Server)

Description: Not very difficult but he does quite heavy damage especially on melee DPS like leather and chain. Roaming in a free zone watch to not aggro useless mobs around.

We talks French, enable the subs to understand the conversation.


Aion Boss: Queen Taran

20 02 2010

(Deltras, FR Server.)

Description: This boss is not very diffucult to kill, be sure you’ve cleaned enough before pulling the boss in the corner.

The main tank pull back the boss while other team members are focusing the adds. The sorceress sleep the mob with the mark “Zzz”. Normally the mob doesn’t reset like in this video.


Aion – Elyos defending Flaming Hell artefact

16 02 2010

(Vidar, FR Server)


Aion Boss: Nochsana General

2 02 2010

(Deltras, FR Server.)

Description: This is the final boss of Nochsana instance. Not difficult, clean the fortress before engaging the boss.

When you’ve a Templar in your team, he has to turn back the boss. In this video we had a Gladiator… who can’t keep the aggro correctly… If the boss leave the arena, he resets. It what’s happens here.


Aion Boss: Brass-Eye Grogget

16 01 2010

(Vidar, FR Server)

Description: This is the last boss of Steel Rake instance. It will be one of your most epic fight in Aion. Grogget is a very hard and long boss especially if your level is too low or you don’t have enough DPS.

The Templar take the boss while others stay far from him. After 2 or 3min of fight, the boss will run back, don’t go after him.

Now it’s the most difficult part. Many mobs will spawn at the same time and you must kill them to most rapidly. Our tactic was to kill following this order: Shaman -> Surgeon -> Assassin -> Defender. Watch when the boss is coming back and re-engage him immediately.

If there is still adds, Kill them, don’t let any adds left. Repeat this again and again to take him down.

I highly recommend everyone to take life and mana potions. This is a long fight and if sorcerers and assassins are running out of mana you’ll lost DPS and you won’t be capable the kill the mobs fast enough. It’ll be over.

I had a really great team and a such good healer so we’re able to defeat this boss. Many times I had to teleport because we weren’t fast enough and there was too many adds.

We talks French, enable the subs to understand the conversation.

PS: My connection was terrible this night … that’s why sometime the game looks frozen.


Aion Boss: Engineer Lahulahu

12 12 2009

(Vidar, FR Server)

Description: The first video shows a bad strategy and how to wipe quickly (It was our first time). The godd tactic is to Tank in the corner near the pillar, it will be more easy, casters in the opposite corner. An aede is recommend as heal support if you’ve level 40-43.

I saw a other tactic consisting to open the door going to SR3 before engaging the boss. The tank pull the to in the corridor and we fight him just in front of the door. This tactic works very well.


Aion Map: Draupnir Cave

10 12 2009

Aion Map: Theobomos Lab

10 12 2009

I flipped the map for easier understanding. We start from the violet circle at the bottom.

Aion Boss: Golden Eye Mantutu

1 12 2009

(Vidar, FR Server)

Description: This boss is simple when you know the right tactic. First, Don’t touch the trainer.

You’ve to designate 2 people in charge of the levers. This role is best assigned to ranged DPS.

He gets 2 buffs, “Hungry” and “thirsty”. There are 2 levers in the room a water and a feed one. If he has the “Hungry” buff up 2 people have to use the “feed lever” and if he has the “thirsty” buff up use the “water lever” doing you’ll remove his buff and you’ll do more damage on him.


Aion Boss: RM-78c

29 11 2009

(Vidar, FR Server.)

Description: Final boss of Aetherogenetics Lab in Heiron. We were a group lvl 40+ (Dlyan, Serenitys, Chrysantem, Odan, Dessyunaa, Lophophora).

He does some AoE but not very dangerous. Hit around 400-700 damage on a Templar.

His particularity is that at every 25% of his life, he will target randomly a teammate before the Templar can take back the aggro. Clerics, be careful.
