miyavi comment on S.K.I.N.

28 04 2009

miyavi was at Anime Matsuri 2009 in Texas to answer some questions. A journalist asked him this question:

What ever happened to S.K.I.N.?

miyavi: That’s a very good question. (laughs) It’s still alive. I want to do it so badly so we’ve been trying to make it happen, but, you know, Yoshiki is doing X JAPAN, Sugizo’s doing his stuff too and Gackt is too. I’ve been doing my world tour. Someday. Someday! I don’t know. Ask Yoshiki. (everyone laughs)

Wait & See.

Source: JaME

Miyavi to perform at Anime Matsuri 2009

23 01 2009

Miyavi is invited to perform at Anime Matsuri 2009 this April in in Houston, Texas. Read the rest of this entry »